Tuesday, February 11, 2025

For we hang ourselves upon the bough: Glog class: Mage

A: Mage, Synthesis, Warmind OR Closed eyes.

B: Spell eater, Counterspell, Ritual. 

C: Tuner.  

D: Arch mage. 


Δ: Envoy

Δ: Carrion Lord

Δ: Wyrm

Δ: Lich 

Starting equipment: A waterproof cloak and satchel with 100 sheets of paper, chalk, a pencil, 10 doses of powdered coffee and a saber.

Skill: Magic and: Physics and Mathematics, Anthropology and Witchcraft, Biology and Medicine, Religion and spirituality.  


-You may gain an MD and random (1d8) spell from any list of your choice for each template, including delta templates. 

-You gain 3m omniception. You may see spirits, magic and the internal structure of things. Seeing spirits can lead to them establishing a connection with you, for better or worse. This is a form of limited divination*.

-Choose a spell school (listed at the bottom of the post). This is your primary school. 

-You may gain spells from grimoires, magical or cursed items, and spell eater, though these are all zero-sum**. You may also gain spells from pacts with divine entities. 

Synthesis: Whenever you gain a spell not from your school from any source, gain one spell of your choice from your primary school.


Gain +[template] to hit, and you may perform maneuvers as a fighter. 

You may see HD, AC and MD. 


Closed eyes: 

The first MD you use on any spell becomes a d4. 

You may turn off your mage sight. 

Spell eater: You may consume the spell casting organs (usually brain) of a spell caster or magical creature to steal 1 random spell (chosen by dm) from them. 

Counterspell/Ritual: If you have a conceptually linked/inverted spell, you may spend a reaction and your MD to increase/decrease the [dice] and [sum] of a spell effect within line of sight. These are rolled separately.  

Tuner: 1/day, change the result of an MD to any number. 

Arch mage:

-Invent a new spell for your school.*** This is the first step to creating a new school of magic.

You may invest large quantities of resource, as well as an artifact or learned truth outside the purview of common mage kind, to invent additional spells.

-Choose [level] non-capstone spells from any school. 

***Requires approval of every player and the dm. This will be added to lists of future pcs or NPCs from that school.  

Δ: Envoy: Enter in a personal agreement with a demon, spirit or other supernatural entity. 

1/day, you may change a MD to a die of any size from d2 to d12. 2/day, If your patron is an angel, major god****, or if you are possessed.


Δ: Carrion Lord: Implant an organ made from divine or truly mythical flesh into yourself. Such as from angels, demons, true dragons, and outsiders. 

You suffer a tenth of and gain a corresponding benefit from any curse or disease inflicted by something you willingly imbibed.  

Δ: Wyrm: Be far, far too deep underground. 

You may use your blood as lantern oil, 1HP per hour. The MD only lasts for the duration the condition is met, but you can keep the spell. 

Δ: Lich: The way is unknown, save for the first step. All demons know the path, but are reluctant to lead you there. Convince them. 

Recover max hp damage at a rate of 1/hour. Your memory and ethics cannot be altered. You are immune to all forms of death, including true death. Though, this does not prevent damage in any way. 

You may consume the hearts of souled creatures who have taken no soul damage in order to gain 1 max hp and deal 2 soul damage. The minimum hd of the creature increases by 1 for every 3hp you have gained. 

You may also store up to [template] souls within your body. Which can be used to regenerate md or to create and store 2hd homunculi. 

Your body will adapt to any material implanted to it, maintaining structure and function as best it can. You could replace your brain and heart with adamantine, should you wish. 

*Divination post upcoming. Omniception also allows you to see through walls and inside objects. Divination post will include counterrmeasures.  

**Zero sum as in the amount of spells remains constant. Only gods and demons introduce new spells into circulation.

****Praying does not count as a personal relationship, to count, you must be able to reliably contact them, and to criticize them without fear, and to, if you ever needed, go see their physical form. 

Nine rivers spell lists here:


You may also use any glog mage, such as from this list: https://attnam.blogspot.com/2018/08/d50-glog-wizard-schools.html?m=1  

What is magic?: 

Magic is divided into two forces. 

First is true magic. This is divine essence which permeates the land, stemming from the blood of a god deep within the earth. All angels supply their own divine essence, granted to them by a their god at their creation. When they run out, after many kalpas, they fall and become demons. Hollow shells of angels which crave souls and the flesh of gods to regain their wholeness. Mages act as demons, and originally learned magic from them. They require an external source of magic. Magic is passively absorbed when at least a league outside a city or town at sunset every day. But must be bought when within a city. 

Second is resonance. This is conceptual resonance between concepts and reality. Things which are associated conceptually cause each other. To paraphrase, here is a quote from the golden bough, which I read a couple of days ago (The broad strokes of this magic system are 1.5 years old at this point).

“If we analyse the principles of thought on which magic is based, they will probably be found to resolve themselves into two: first, that like produces like, or that an effect resembles its cause; and, second, that things which have once been in contact with each other continue to act on each other at a distance after the physical contact has been severed.”

Therefore, resonance is the manifestation of conceptually linked phenomena causing each other.

Author notes: This class is quite powerful, but should in theory be relatively balanced with other mages, if only having a wider spell list. Lich is ridiculously powerful, but has been adjusted to be stronger based on feedback. It aught to be difficult to get.

Also, should I add explanations to the names at the beginning of the posts? This name is based upon the mix of the Golden bough and the hanging of Odin. Please comment bellow.

First picture is what I imagine to be an envoy. It was made by Richey Beckett. 

A Lich drawn by Yann Blomquist.

A carrion lord drawn by Joao Bragoto.

(Artist unknown.) This was the token used by a player

who was a soul mage during the first ever game in this setting.

A blessed drawn by Igor Kieryluk.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

A series of biological firearms for those unable or unwilling to make use of gunpowder.

Long have these slumbered, waiting for their time to shine, that time is now I guess. I have a bunch of other guns, but they get their own post.

Consult the conversion guide in case of confusion: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yBCqqF48xPk_IwUWMPBKpjIl3gFlJhvtCvaw0WzuOfY/edit?usp=sharing

Reload x means thats how many actions/attacks it takes to reload. Consider a gun squire with a pavise. Most of the reloads include what you need to reload it with.

Multiattack can be safely ignored, its a system specific thing that lets you ignore the multiple attack penalty (pathfinder style).

—Liveguns: The three below have these traits:

-Require an hour and rations to reload. 

-Do not increase the cost of hybrid  weapons. 

-F: Within 6m 

-Pistol: 12m, 2x3 piercing, 1 ration, 1 small slot. 40s

-Blunderbuss: 24m, 4x3, 2 rations, 2 small slots. 60s

-Cannon: 60m 12x3, anti-material, 6 rations, 1 medium slot. 500s 

—Steam rifle: 2 piercing, 80m, multiattack 2, 2 small slots, 100s (36 shots per canister)

—Pressure rifle: 2 piercing, 80m, multiattack 2, 2 small slots, 100s (36 shots per canister) Can spend up to 6 additional ap and gas charges to give +2 damage, +1 acc and +20m range. 120s

–Grenade launcher: 160m, 2 small slots. Can launch a grenade or rock for 4 bludgeoning. 4 shots per cannister. 300s. 

—Flamethrower: Requires 1 fuel per encounter where it is used, spray does not count towards this. 600s

Jet (2ap): 20m line, 8 fire DOT. 

Spray (1ap): 8m cone, 2 fire. 

—Balefire thrower: Reload 2, (1L of ClF3), 700s.  

Unleash (2ap): 12m cone, 12 fire, d12 acid secondary explosion 3m on hitting water/blood. 

—Drill launcher: 4 small, str scaling x2, 60m, anti material, 8 piercing, reload 1, 200s.  

F: Targets behind cover 

(drills are 2 tiny and 10s, reusable, can also fire daggers for -4 damage)

—Ice rifle: 100m, 6 bludgeoning/cold, Reload 1 (1L of water+1 ration) 400s

F: Oozes

—Proliferation rifle: acc2, 60m, 8 acid, reload 2 (2 rations), spawns 1hd ooze on kill. 200s

F: organic targets 

—Spine rifle: 3x2 piercing, impale, reload 1 (a handful of bones). 100s

F: organic targets

—Web launcher: Launch a web, 12m which connects 4 points/targets within a 3m radius together, reload 3, 3 rations. 400s

—Spore launcher: 30m cone, 1 poison, secondary explosion on kill (30m sphere). Reload 2 (1 ration). 300s

—Hyphae launcher: Launches a hyphae harpoon to a point within 60m (2ap). Or 3 (3ap) 6 hyphae, regenerates one with 10 minutes and a ration. Each harpoon seeks a target as usual. 400s

Hyphae harpoon: 1hp, tiny. Speed: walk 1, climb 1, burrow 12, swim 20, 1ap. 

-Passive ability: When this creature touches another creature (must be able to access unarmored skin, though it can burrow through objects of a similar toughness to hardwood or stone, reaching the soft flesh underneath.) It imbeds itself inside that creature, it will then rapidly grow, dealing 3 damage every round, to a maximum of 9.  

-You may save to avoid this if you are upright, but not if you have your back and stomach facing the ground, or if you are underwater. 

-It can be ripped out with a dc10 strength checks, the harpoon is killed, and you deal damage to the creature you just ripped the harpoon out of equal to the amount of rounds this creature has been left inside

-If the target is a worm, grub, maggot, centipede, nematode or other worm like invertebrate, it does 6 damage per turn it is left in, without a maximum damage value. 

Canisters: 1 small slot, can be reloaded by 10minutes of hand-pumping, or with 5s at a steam valve connected to an engine. 

Art by: http://cmkosemen.com/illustration.html

Monday, January 20, 2025

Class: Blade conductor

 Class: Blade conductor: 

A: Dancing blade.

B: Maestro, Killing frequency.

C: Orchestra of violence.

D: Symphony of destruction. 

Equipment: A 6-foot-long, Rapier-thin longsword, a weathered noble's coat lined with silver thread, 3 bottles of wine, and a violin. You do not start with money, but your coat and blade are worth a lot if you pawn them. 

Skill: Musician and: Historian, duelist, poet.

Dancing Blade: You gain 1 dancing blade point which you can spend to animate swords, which may fly anywhere within 20ft. You may use one point to animate one sword as if it was wielded by two hands, two points to animate three one-handed swords, and you may use one point to animate two daggers. 

Each blade may attack once on your turn. Your hands may not bear any weapons or shields while you use this ability, but they remain free. Attacking with your blades does not use your action. 

You may use any of your mental stats when rolling to hit (not damage) with your dancing blades. In addition, you may imbue 1 blade within arms reach with your strength or dexterity bonus in addition to its existing to-hit bonus by consuming an action. 

Maestro: You may use your action to give one of your swords advantage on its attack if you have your hands empty or are holding an instrument. This does not consume an action if you use it on a sword you imbued with your physical bonus this turn. You gain the ability to balance perfectly on your dancing blade while it flies. It flies at 40ft/turn but forgoes its attack. This requires a two handed sword.


Killing frequency: Your blades gain +[round number] to hit. On turn 4, you reach crescendo, and it begins decreasing on round 5.  

Orchestra of violence: Each blade may forgo its attack on its next turn to, as a reaction, reduce damage dealt by a melee attack by their damage die. Your range increases to 30ft. +1 blade point. 

Symphony of destruction: When you reach crescendo, you may forgo your action and all your sword attacks to instead deal 1d8 damage to every enemy within 30 feet, and parry every attack they make for 1d8 within that range during that round. +1 blade point.  

Art from: Symphony of the night. 

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yYOmMp4pak33H_uBW0V4K8iVekP_Jz3yLJwc19rPMYQ/edit?usp=sharing Doc version.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Nine rivers of blood: Warrior:

 Nine rivers of blood: Warrior: 

A: Warrior, paths. 

B: Life alchemy 

C: Protection OR Retaliation.  

D: Saint

Skills: Fortification and 1-Survival, 2-Police work and espionage, 3-Etiquette and academia, 4-Religion and craftsmanship. 

Starting equipment: A Livegun (3d6, touch ac, takes an hour, a ration and a scrap metal to reload), a melee weapon of your choice, a suit of armour, three cans of fish, and a bag of caltrops. 

Warrior: You have [template]+1 times the agility and strength of a peasant.

You may attack as a free action once per turn.

Add +[templates] to hit rolls, grapples, manoeuvres and physical ability checks.  


AP: Attack/action points, often written as attack forgoed. You may replace forgoed attacks with foregoing your movement, or your ability to take reactions next round. Abilities which have an ap value consume that much ap.

Techniques: Active abilities consumed on successful use. 

You may use 1 technique per round at level 1, two at level 2, and 3 at level 4. 

Stances: Passive abilities which can be swapped out once your turn. You may only have one stance active at once. 

Lessons and soul anchors are permanent passives which can be unlocked upon completing a path. You may only have one soul anchor, and they usually require rituals. 

Getting new paths: 

You may choose any path from the list at the bottom of this post. 

You start with 2 paths and 1 technique or stance from each at level 1. And you gain a new technique whenever you level up. You also gain a technique whenever you defeat a legendary or superior (superior to your group) foe.

You may learn a path by learning it from a suitable master for a month. Haruspicy on great beasts is another well known method of learning a path (if the beast counts and what path you get is decided by dm).  If you level up and have completed all your paths, choose one or ask two to be chosen or rolled by your dm.

Life alchemy: If you have unlocked a soul anchor, retroactively replace all your previous HD rolls with 6s. 1/day, or by consuming a MD, you may take 1 exhaustion to heal 2d6 hp.  


1/turn When you or an ally within 3m is hit by an attack roll, you may strike back at the assailant. 

You gain +[round number] to hit rolls, grapples, manoeuvres and physical ability checks.  



1/turn, whenever you or an ally within reach of a melee weapon you are holding takes damage, you may decrease damage by d6+[template]+[round number]. 

You gain +[templates] to saves.


For each completed path you have:

Learn a new, thematically linked skill. 


Invent a new technique. Dm approval of the skills and techniques is required.

1: Lochs OG https://nothicseye.blogspot.com/2023/08/flirting-with-death-class-duelist.html, also includes a secondary list. 


22 original styles for this class.

By: Ariel Perez

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Heirs of Pluto: Dragon knight

A: Blood Brother, Iron blooded orphan. 

B: Magicks. 

C: Iron throne. 

D: Sunken crown of madness. 

Iron blooded orphan: Long ago, your people committed a great sin, and so 9 tenths of them were transfigured into the metal blooded demons. Since then, the curse has weakened, and only a few people each generation become transformed. One of these was your kin, a newborn child, father, grandmother, daughter. It is sick and weakened, but shall recover in time. 

Choose one of the following elements: 

Lead, Copper, Mercury, Iron, Brass, Tin. 

You generate and must draw from your blood [template] litres of it per day. Failing to do so leads to the excessive buildup of accursed humors. 

Blood brother: You and your kin share an HP pool. You have a collective HD of [level]+2. Your drake shares the same stats as you, but has advantage on all physical checks and saves.

You are both affected by buffs and debuffs which affect one. You may feel each other’s emotions.

It has one attack that does d12.

The drake is the size of a Kodiak bear. 

You both gain +[Template] to hit.


[template] times per day, you may consume a dose of the following metal. You or your kin may cast the spell. Actives happen once, and passives last an hour. 

Lead: You may cast the crown of madness at 1MD.

Mercury: You may change the result of any die to a 1. 

Iron: You gain advantage on melee attack rolls. 

Gold: Take 1 item from a creature within 30. 

Silver: Select a target, you gain advantage on attack rolls against it, and it gains disadvantage on attacks against targets that are not you. 

Copper: You may deal lightning 1d12 damage to up to [template] targets in a chain. Each jump can be no more than 3m. Save wis for half. 

Brass: You gain a skill in any art for 1 hour. 

Sulfur: Deals [template]d6 fire damage in a 9m cone. Save wis for half. 

Magnesium: Double the duration of any status condition within sight. Can cast multiple times on the same effect, provided you imbibe the metal again. 

Phosphorus: Cast light at will for a day. 

Arsenic: Transform an insect into a human. Mind is retained. 

Tin: Heal d6hp. 

Platinum: Gain advantage on all saving throws 

Iron throne: You and your drake now share a common pool of actions. You both gain advantage on attacks against creatures smaller than your drake. 

Sunken crown of madness: You and your kin have synchronised and learned to wield madness and be wielded by it. You may switch between lucidity and madness at will. 


-Your kin remembers who they once were.

-Advantages on saves vs magic.

-Know when you are being deceived or are deceiving yourself.


-You lose lucidity, only remembering friend from foe. You may see through your kin’s eyes. 

-Inflict disadvantage on all enemy saves. 

-1/day, you may count one dose as having been two. 

-Gain 1hp for each HD of enemy you kill. 

Thank you to https://garamondia.blogspot.com/?m=1 


https://madmansmenagerie.blogspot.com/?m=1 for helping. 

Note: If you burn iron while using iron throne, it is relatively easy to get double advantage on all attacks. It is intended for advantage to stack (roll 3d20 pick highest), but you could also add the advantage to the damage roll instead.

For we hang ourselves upon the bough: Glog class: Mage

A: Mage, Synthesis, Warmind OR Closed eyes. B: Spell eater, Counterspell, Ritual.  C: Tuner.   D: Arch mage.  + Δ: Envoy Δ: Carrion Lord Δ: ...